My dogs
    Add dog
    You can upload the data regardless of whether you are signing up for the next show or planning a later shows.
    In the main menu *My Dogs* click on text *Add Dog* (picture No. 1). Fill in all the information exactly according the pedigree.

Fill in the dog's name completely, also with kennel suffix. Be sure you fill in correctly the number of pedigree with abbreviation of Stud book, also correct name of the breeder, usually it is the person from whom you get your puppy.


Attachments - List of Documents


Once you enter the text data, it is necessary to upload the documents (picture No. 2). At least the first and the other side of the pedigree. Without this, it is not possible to create entry form for your dog in menu *Entries* to the show! File size is max. 3MB.


If your dog has an International working certificate or a championship, upload them also. The system allows you to change in adult classes until the last day of deadline, maybe you will need it for Champion class. Documents as International working certificate or Championship can be uploaded later.

    Our advice:
After uploading documents check please correctness and readability. If the document is readable to you, it will be readable to us as well. Otherwise, you are risking deleting your entry form. The organizers always check all that documents.
(picture No. 1) (picture No. 2)